Wednesday 1 February 2017

rural devlopment program

rural devlopment program

government at both the regional and the
national levels has increasingly identified
a potential role for SHGs in rural finance:
in particular, the new Swarna Jayanti
Swarozagar Yojana (SJSY) initiative of the
Government of India to replace existing
poverty alleviation programmes such as
Integrated Rural Development Program
(IRDP) is primarily based on SHGs

agricultural credit

agricultural credit

NABARD has provided more than 69 per
cent refinance to commercial Banks, RRBs,
cooperative banks and primary
agricultural credit societies for loans
disbursed to SHGs at a subsidized rate
which has created necessary confidence
among financial institutions regarding
financing of SHGs.

variety of activities

variety of activities 

Wenger points out that communities of practice develop their practice through a variety of activities like problem solving, requests for information, seeking and sharing experience, reusing assets, coordination and synergy, discussing developments, documentation projects, mapping knowledge and identifying gaps. The methodology used in the capacity building workshops attempts to foster a community of practice of women in higher education. However, the very characteristics that make communities of practice a good fit for stewarding knowledge—autonomy, practitioner-orientation, informality, crossing boundaries—are also characteristics that make them a challenge for traditional hierarchical organizations.

human endeavor

human endeavor

Etienne Wenger says that Communities of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavor. Members of a community of practice are practitioners. They develop a shared repertoire of resources experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing recurring problems in short a shared practice. This takes time and sustained interaction. The development of a shared practice may be more or less self-conscious. In the course of conversations, members may develop a set of stories and case studies that have become a shared repertoire for their practice. This is especially true of the community of women in higher education who value their collective competence and learn from each other.

SHGs formation

SHGs formation

NGOs has reached almost a saturation
point and their participation in new SHGs
formation has been constricted due to
inadequate inflow of funds (mainly
donations and grants) from outside
sources and stringent government

women's community in higher education

women's community in higher education

A women's community in higher education, by virtue of its intellectual and public domain, could, look forward to establishing alternative modes of knowing and doing, stake its claim in bringing about change not only in terms of entering an exclusive domain, but by turning on its head the very concept of an exclusive pyramidal governance structure to replace it with inclusive, participatory, empathetic, supportive, egalitarian and feminine practices of governance.

women's studies

women's studies

The unlearning is often painful and disillusioning and occasionally some women are unwilling to take the plunge. Yet, the therapeutic efforts of this process are startling pain is exorcised followed by healing, and then transformation all because of a liberating bonding that promises to be the emotional ballast that could keep one afloat. In spite of the fact that the movement had initially originated with the support of Women‟s Studies Departments of India, there was a fall out in the later stages as this UGC sponsored community building was regarded as activism and not in the true
grain of women‟s studies, which is an academic discipline.